Wychwell Eventing Blog

Showing Tag: "christmas" (Show all posts)

Happy New Year!

Posted by cotswoldcalvadoseventing on Tuesday, January 1, 2013, In : Life in france 

Monty's been nagging, nagging and nagging at me, he wants to go and see the christmas lights at Montjoie up the road.
So I threw in a little new year's eve surprise for him and took him up in the trailer to see in the new year!

One minute we were there, then the next we're here;

Welcome 2013!

We had to take Popeye too;

'Cos he'd heard from Visa and Cloud on their coach tour last week that the lights were seriously cool;

So as you can see, all three of us and the camera man had a truly wicked time;

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Merry Christmas

Posted by princess on Monday, December 24, 2012, In : Horses at home 

Hope you all have a very jolly time

with family and friends.

I hope Santa's reindeer remember where you live


and Santa

remembers what you wanted

and not what you didn't;

Hope you get to share lots of yummy food but don't make a pig of yourself,

I mean; a pig of yourself

Hope you have a few drinks, but not too many

Most of all we hope you get to have a lot of fun

with all your loved ones.

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Posted by princess on Saturday, December 25, 2010, In : Horses at home 

Everyone here is hoping you are all enjoying a very jolly Christmas.
Rog is feeling a bit pooped, he had to stand in for Rudolph last night and help Santa so he's in today with his legs all bandaged with cool packs.It was pretty tough going in the deep snow apparently.

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