It may be necessary for you to refer to last week's post to really get this photo and realise I haven't lost my marbles just yet. You may recall on my first day of breaking Monty I introduced him to being ridden by a bear, it just happened the bear was to hand. I have a decent selection of large fluffy toys used for breaking and jumping and lots else besides. Most purchased for a pound a piece, well a euro actually at the local junk shop.
Since Monty was accustomed to bears it only seemed right that I should follow suit on my first attempt to mount him. As you can see it worked remarkably well and he was very calm and relaxed. So calm infact I decide to push the boat out and break him to fancy dress while I was at, hence Goldilocks and the three bears;

I'm sure many of you will be so moved by these photos that you will want to replicate them for yourselves. For this very reason I shall refer you to the website of thunderpants.

I really can't big up Thunderwear pants enough, they are the only pants I now own, principally because they are fantastic to ride in. They don't ride up your bum and being lovely cotton throughout they don't give you bum spots.
I'm also a little buddy buddy with Thunderpants because they were kind enough to let me win a competition with the photos of Roger sporting knickers on his nose to be a budget Rudolph for my Christmas cards in 2010.The prize was three free pairs so win win all round.
So please do look at their site and buy yourself some pants and maybe a bra top but perhaps only if you  have less saggy boobs than me. I really need a little wire to show that I have something there!
You will pleased to know that I haven't squandered the whole week being an idiot, I have also done constructive things with Monty like long reining him over jumps;

and even riding him.
He's going to be a star, just need a kid for him now.
I also took Turnip  hairy yak jumping at Gavray,

he seriously needs a trim and is surprisingly sensible for mane and tail pulling but insists on warmer weather as it comes out easier. As you have seen I was too busy getting my kit off in the warm weather to worry about pony trimming.
Turnip also took a turn over the fluffy toys;

Charlie has been doing fluffy toys

and chubby show pony trotting in the field too;

I have also indulged in pleasure seeking this week, I took Rog and Turnip for a ride in Suisse Normandie with the dogsbody. We were in the vicinity because having taken my lead from Duchess Kate I felt duty bound to own a pair of boots from Chameau. Not being quite so well to do I had to make do with the seconds shop at the factory. To be honest I wasn't actually after wellies just a pair of good walking boots with a heel that makes walking with my dodgy knee considerably more comfortable. My last pair were a tenner and lasted well but Chameau have since deemed it necessary to upgrade the shop and they've unfortunately upgraded the prices to match,so I left a little disappointed. However if you know what you want and the size get your orders in to Verity all speedily. She maybe kind enough to drop by the factory when she comes over to collect the ponies and pick them up for you.
This morning I treated myself to another junk shop visit, it is my favourite shop in the world as you can go in, spend five euros and leave with more than you can carry. Today we hit the jackpot they greeted us with an offer of free furniture; a nice beech side board/cupboard that needs a little stripping and repairing.
But the ultimate freebie was my HOLY WATER, yes you read that correctly I have been blessed with the gift of holy water, collected and bottled in 1970 from Lourdes.

Our lady of Lourdes was said to have appeared to Bernadette Soubrious on a total of eighteen occasions, propelling Lourdes to a major place of Roman Catholic Pilgrimage and miraculous healing. The 150th Jubilee of the first apparition took place on the 11th February 2008 with an outdoor mass attended by 45,000 pilgrims(thanks Wiki);

Now I'm thinking if a grilled cheese sandwich featuring the Virgin Mary sold to in 2004 for 28,000 dollars then a genuine bottle of Lourdes Holy water collected in 1970 is going to be worth a hell of a lot more. So I invite you now to place your bids, it's price will only go up as I shall sprinkle a few drops on my knee every night to validate it's healing powers. So get your bid in while you can!!
Our last antique bottle project wasn't a rip roaring success, the dogsbody was cruising Angloinfo and found links to photos of old bottles that had sold for several hundred euros each. We had found one in the garden that looked to be all but identical to one of them so in a buzz of excitement he began to clean it up ready for auction. Trouble was it didn't like stinking hot water so shattered irrepairably along with our dreams of a quick buck.
Pleased it wasn't me!