Does my bum look big in the this?

Answers on a postcard NOT required, or desired.

(Is it actual possible my backside is the same size as that of a fat horse, it must surely be a trick of the light.)

Other exciting news about the place aside from the apparent expansion of my derriere.


The dogsbody has now completed work on the hangar, started in the snow( spy Pete under the tape).

He will commence work on the kit plane over the summer so that we intend to be able to offer rock bottom discount flights across the channel to Normandy in time for the World Equestrian Games due to be hosted round these parts in 2014.

Dogsbody could well be returning to England for part of 2012. Pease take a look at his site to see other wood type things he is capable of making incase you need some work done:

Mini has had more kids, you are now invited to make a reservation with deposit.

Previous batch of clones pictured which presents fairly accurate picture of them in 6 weeks time.

Grab this exciting opportunity while it lasts.

Charlie had made progress, he has come to the the conclusion that small jumps do not need to be followed by humungous bucks and is bumbling along like a little fat gooseberry as opposed to dancing around like a peforming bear.

And lastly Donut has grown her hair!

That's all for this week folks!