As you can see from the photo we have been doing other handy stuff despite feeling sorry for ourselves. Pearl (rather late in the day) has become a lead rein pony, poor dear she hasn't been ridden more than a bareback hike from the field in more than ten years!
She finds it very puff making but she enjoys all the brushing and pats she gets from Corrine. Corrine has taken a shine, for the moment to riding or maybe she caught the bug. Poor old doughnut had to be a makeshift pony and do jumps in the garden once the ride was over to prolong the equine experience. Surprisingly for such a bouncy dog she was quick to feel sorry for herself and worry about being dragged over sticks and buckets, but then she isn't used to the demands of hyperactive little people. About time she had a run for her money!
I have to admit to a less than positive frame of my mind since my tumble. I'm still nursing my hurting shoulder though my bruised thigh has all but abated. The poorly shoulder is just an annoying niggle now but I'm scared of having another crash until it feels more stable. I can't take on tugging horses, led on foot or ridden. They all think this is fantastic so they've been whizzing around having high jinks up the laneway whenever I let them go!
I have BRAVELY begun to do a few jumps and Ned is supposed to go showjumping this weekend, I do hope I haven't gotten over keen to early though.
We've done other handy stuff in our early summer weather. Many hands make light work when it comes to washing out some of the winter grot!