Last weekend we were lucky enough to leave these guys at home doing this:

So we could go here:

with these:

and it was all because of this;

Yep sorry everyone for the rather ghastly picture of my purple thunder thigh, but I feel I ought to share some of my pain.
Infact my leg although painful was not a patch on my shoulder; so all horse activity last week (of the riding kind) was knocked on the head and the horses were all turned out as I couldn't even muck out.Thankfully the weather has been,`oh so kind' to them and therefore me, so it wasn't so bad.
This week we are back on track and although I'm a good way off daring to take myself over a fence, I have,with a liberal peppering of ibuprofen, got back on everyone and felt courageous enough to give them some flatwork, albeit from the cocoon of my back protector (just incase I'm unfortunate enough to get nobbled AGAIN).
Last weekend was a nice break forom playing ponies and we headed off to Clecy to do some climbing. Well I couldn't obviously, so I hung round the bottom of the cliff with the dogs feeling bored and hurumphing with the dogs but it was a gorgeous day and clecy is a pretty spot, even for grumpy hurting people.