Weyhey, we won the lottery and this is our new house!


Unfortunately we didn't win the lottery and this isn't our new house but we were lucky enough to spend a night in the beautiful Chateau de Bezonnais by trading in this:

Yes we have managed to find homes for all these cutesy (and pooey people) and as a little reward to ourselves for all our hard work we decided to treat ourselves to a luxury night at Neddy's first competition.
Ned's competition was at St. Mars D'outille just outside Le mans.We managed to find this rare treat in Ecommoy, the neighbouring town.
Normally we sleep in the trailer, we shiver and swear all night as the dog's yap at the horses banging and calling in the stables and the man harrowing the dressage arenas, seemingly the entire night long.
This time however we decide to take the upgrade as we haven't had a holiday in ever so long and there doesn't appear to be one on the horizon.
I cannot recommend this little chateau more highly. Not only is it very aesthetic with a very colourful history and very warm welcoming owners. It also features  beautiful bedrooms with central heating, wow, we forgot what that was like,(in the old original radiators),fabulously comfy beds and the most amazing contoured bath with a dent for your bum. We don't have a bath, so that was big luxury; we took two in one night to make up for lost bathing! Oh and also a generous brekkie of croissants, bread, cake, fruit, yogurts, even english style tea and milk!
So when you next head down to Le mans for racing or an equine activity we can highly recommend a night here:


You will be pleased to hear we didnt go the whole hog and blow all the puppy money in one fell swoop by going out for supper too. Supper was a rather grim affair of gritty ham sandwiches and luke warm tea (the bunsen burner was just about out of gas) which we shared romantically by diahatsu headlight when we went back to check Ned and Rog in the stables at about half ten.
I'm glad to say a goodnight's sleep paid off and Ned pulled in a respectable third, but I'll tell you all about that in the next post as I really struggle getting more than one photo on these blogs in a semi 'sensible' position.