Blackjack's Wild Pearl

                                                                                                                      June                                                                                                                 2014

Princess Peggy has a little refresher course at her new home, her eyes are popping out of her head to discover her new neighbourhood!

                                                                    January                                                         2013

        Peggy might only be two but we thought we'd take our spare time while it was available and at least get the young lady backed.

        Peg said I'm good a bit heavier than Ted but that's okay 'cos she's a tough nut like her mum.
          What to do on a snowy day or two?
                            Drag out Peggy for the polar bears to play with.
Ted was little rusty, as you can see we had to tie him on, but still it's been a long time since he rode Monty last spring, he's out of shape.

                                                                                                                                     Autumn                                                             2012

       Peggy thinks this is like your mum cutting your hair, she wants her feet done by a professional, she's hoping for a pretty boy at that.
      Dream on Peggy, not until you can pay for your own way.

                                                                Summer                                                          2011

Yes, my name is Peggy and I am a beauty    

                                                                April                                                                     2011

            Do you love me?
                 Peggy spends some days in the garden learning about pets, people, life , love and friendship. And getting a clout when you get to
bolshy, which is quite often for Peggy even if she is only a few days old.

                                                                  March                                                                 2011

    Pearl gives birth to puff 'o' wind 'Peggle' lucky it didn't blow for a few weeks she might have being blown far away. She has a crumpled ear, some long skinny legs and not a lot else. Though her attitude  makes up for the her size. Like her mother Peggy is boss, scared of noone and nothing.
                                                                                    Cotswold Blackjack, my dad and  Cotswold River Pearl, my mum.
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